

My lovely Gaby introduced me to this book one rainy day that we were browsing through our “wish list” of books at the local Barnes & Noble. I was busy being mesmerized by a huge architecture book with a name I cannot recall (somewhere along the lines of 100 Buildings 10 Critics). Anyhow, I was so busy reading “my book” and slobbering over the pictures that I vaguely remember the cover of the book she was showing me. Just the other day, we went off to another bookstore and found it again. This time I skimmed through it and realized how simple-yet clever and appealing the work inside was - and she bought it. Now I could snag it from her (mua-ha-ha-ha!).

Check it out at Hollanders.com or visit chendesign.com

Here’s a snippet of a description of the book (Hollanders):

Inside Fingerprint you'll find examples of work that showcase a variety of design methods including mixed media, illustration, letterpress, screenprinting, and collage. You'll find inspiration in examples from outstanding designers and see how traditional elements can make a more powerful statement than anesthesized computer-only work. Fingerprint also includes insightful essays on the power of the handmade by Debbie Millman, Jean Orlebeke, Jim Sherraden, Martin Venezky, and Ross MacDonald.

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